R.I. Circus Accident Brings Workplace Safety Concerns Into Focus
The weekend accident in Providence
R.I. that injured nine of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey
circus performers raises several questions as to the question of
negligence and responsibility of the employer – Ringling Brothers –
and the manufacturer of the equipment used in the performance. While
the incident is still under investigation as of this date, Paul
Doughty of the Providence Fire Department stated: “It was a single
piece of equipment that failed”. According to Mr. Doughty, a
carabiner – a 4-5 inch steel clip used in rock climbing and other
weight-bearing activities - that is part of the metal apparatus
holding the performers 40 feet above ground, snapped into three
sections. The Federal Occupational and Safety Health Administration
is investigating and a final report is still months away. In the
meantime, as the performers recover from their serious injuries, some
of which may be career ending, several questions need to be
Foremost, is the responsibility of the
employer -Ringling Brothers- and additionally the question as to the
safety of the device including the failed carabiner piece. For
example, although the failed carabiner is rated to hold 10,000 lbs
and the weight in this case was approximately 1600 lbs, continued use
over time may lead to metal fatigue and therefore failure. The
employer will need to address whether or not sufficient safety
protocols were practiced such as a periodic check of the equipment,
replacement schedule, and the apparent lack of backup systems in case
of the failure of one part. The manufacturer's responsibility will
focus on design, weight ratings and backup systems. Another
interesting question is the assertion that the custom apparatus that
failed was designed by the circus troupes manager and manufactured
OSHA records show few investigations
of the circus over the past twenty years. Risk is part of the
entertainment attraction of circuses thus resulting in less common
application of safety procedures like safety nets below the
performers. In 2004, a Ringling Brothers acrobat was killed when the
scarves that were used as part of the act failed leading to her
falling 30 feet to her death. The accident was not investigated by
OSHA because “ risk was part of the act” according to an OSHA
spokesperson. In this case OSHA is investigating, leading to the
question of why now?
Each of the injured performers should
consult with a Rhode Island based law firm with experience in work
place injury law and accident claims. Documenting medical claims,
lost work time, future earnings loss and the probability of future
health issues is all critical at this juncture. The unique
circumstances surrounding this event including the impact of the
future OSHA report all need to be weighed. Typically cases such as
this that involve multiple claims and extraordinary circumstances are
best handled by a law firm with sufficient experience in large,
complex personal injury legal issues. Please call the Ronald J.
Resmini Law firm of Providence at 1-401-751-8855
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